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    • 营地设施横幅

      营地设施——旗帜- 2022



交通便利,位于美国.S. 边界和1.距离蒙特利尔5小时车程, 边境上大学 is the ideal location to host your camp or event. Our spacious grounds and extensive facilities can accommodate sports teams, 会议或小团体在一个安静的地方, 双语环境. We also offer dining services and overnight accommodations as needed.



  • 我们的位置

    • 位于 其边境,魁北克, a town of approximately 3000 in Southeastern Quebec
    • 1.距离蒙特利尔5小时车程
    • A five-minute walk to 美国 border
  • 我们的设施

    • Four fully equipped residences with double and single occupancy - fifth residence opening September 2022
    • Dining hall with delicious, 健康y options
    • 宽敞的多功能中心
    • Assembly hall for drama, music, presenters
    • Full indoor hockey arena with conference rooms
    • Hockey training centre with artificial ice
    • 两个体育馆,有储物柜设施
    • 三个健身中心
    • 两个壁球场
    • 两个网球场
    • Exterior basketball court, outdoor rink (winter) and beach volleyball court
    • 六个运动场地
    • 带有陶器工作室的艺术室
    • 健康中心 
  • 支持人员

    Our camp staff will work with you to meet all your needs and to ensure that your camp or event runs smoothly. Our tireless grounds and housekeeping crew make 边境上大学 one of the finest facilities for any occasion. 


电话:(819)8776 -7891,分机. 246